Messy Bed November 18 2014

I use to jump out of bed, 20 minutes before I was meant to be at work, brush my teeth, while shoving a spoonful of cheerios into my mouth. I would place my spoon down in the toothbrush holder, throw my toothbrush into the sink, adjust my tie, while the other hand was jamming on my left shoe...on my right foot. I would get to work on time, and like day and night be this presentable, well-adjusted, well-dressed and enthusiastic salesman. But I could never understand why I always felt in such a rush and so overwhelmed.

Enjoyment was at the heart of my day, and my job, but I would always return to my house at night, my bedroom in shambles, my duvet scrunched up in a ball on my bed, or on the ground, and overall the environment I lived in was untidy and cluttered. I often found that my nights were too short, and that I didn't have enough time for side projects, pursuing my hobbies, and keeping my social life fully intact.


It was actually quite a simple fix: my problem came down to organization. I was not organizing my life in a fashion that allowed me to maximize my time and output. A person needs to be disciplined and organized to complete tasks at work, free up time for side hobbies, and to ensure idle time is not devouring essential hours of the day. Due to lack of organization and discipline my mind had fallen victim to information overload and was cluttered by irrelevant and insignificant tasks and information. As a result, my external environment - my apartment - had fallen victim to clutter.


We need to simplify and eliminate the clutter from our lives so we can focus on the raw essentials of life.

You know, an unmade bed says a lot about a person. Your immediate environment like your room, your bathroom, your apartment, and your desk at work is a direct reflection of your internal environment - a messy home gives your guest a sneak peak of what inside your mind looks like! Therefore, being clean, tidy and focusing on keeping things simple is the best remedy for peace.

Both in your home and in your mind try to keep things organized, and don't be afraid to discard unessential things. 

I make my bed everyday for peace of mind, but also to project to others that inside I am organized and free from information overload. I treat my body like a temple, so I treat my bed as a temple as well. I care about its presentation just as much as I care about my own, so before I style my hair, I flatten the sheets, and thank my peaceful environment I bought such a quality piece of furniture from Driven by Design.